Conduitless Entry Fiberglass

The APT™ brand 36″ x 17″ conduitless entry fiberglass sump is designed specifically for use with Gilbarco™ Encore™ dispensers. The dispenser sump comes completely pre-assembled from the factory including the dispenser mounting frame and the stabilizer bar kit mounting tracks. The stabilizer bar kit mounts into the track and is adjustable on all planes to ensure proper alignment of shear valves and pipework. The conduitless entry frame allows electrical conduit to enter the dispenser directly from the bottom avoiding sump penetration and eliminating potential leak paths.


  • Durable two-piece design comes pre-assembled from the factory allowing quick and easy installation.
  • Constructed of rigid three-layer hand lay up fiberglass.
  • Available in single wall only.
  • White gel coat interior provides enhanced visibility.

Order Info:

Note: Use SBK-25 stabilizer bar kit.