Beacon POS is simple, fast, and easy to use. As a complete end-to-end software solution, Beacon allows you to manage all aspects of your retail business from Point of Sale to the General Ledger, where financial control and enhanced reporting are at your fingertips. Perfected for the fuel, convenience, and automotive industries, Beacon can be tailored to your needs. With over 30 years’ experience, we are proudly Australian-owned and operated, with offices in Victoria and Western Australia.
- Back Office
- Head Office
- Integrated General Ledger
- Wet stock Reconciliation / Reporting
- 24/7 Support
- Central stock, customer and supplier maintenance
- High level stability and redundancy
- Remote IP communications
- Workshop integration
- Integration into multiple EFTPOS platforms
- Promotional importing with major buying groups
- PSQL database – lightning-fast database access
- Local database – computers not reliant on access to another computer’s database
- Flexible hardware requirements
- Simple, Fast and Easy to use
- Every transaction and button press logged and recordable
- Touch screen POS
- Integrated EFTPOS types – PC-EFTPOS Ingenico, Quest, BP Rets, Caltex POSGate
- Customizable customer display to allow promotional messages and advertising
- POSTEC pump controller integration
- Minimal training time – takes only minutes to train a console operator
- USB cash drawer allows for greater security, logging all cash drawer open and closes
- Local accounts – can be selected via swipe card, barcode or manual search
- High performance – allows a single sale to be completed within 2 secs
- Fast Shift Changes – shifts can be closed and re-opened within 20 secs
- Digital Signature Pads – used to capture signatures electronically
- Unlimited split tender finalizations
- Vehicle reporting
- Park Sales
- Logo is printable on receipts
- Cash Outs
- Cent per liter discounts which are fully traceable
- Simple promotions – 1 item at a discounted price
- Advanced promotions – 2 group promos or 2 for items for a discounted price etc.
- Operator prompt for upselling to increase promo strike rate
- Paid Outs
- Ability to re-print old sales
- Scale integration
- Stock search function makes finding stock easy
- Cigarette Dispenser integration
- Various levels of stock discounts
- Ability to accept Cabcharge vouchers
- Windows graphical display makes navigation easy
- Every transaction recorded and reported in detail
- Shifts from POS accumulate until ready to be reconciled
- Pump and Tank reconciliation
- SIRA export
Customers- Local customer account and merchant debtor reconciliation via payment allocation
- Customer contract pricing
- Customer invoicing
- Customer statements (can show digital signatures if required)
- Weekly, Fortnightly and Monthly accounts
- Account fees and overdue charges
- Customer cards, vehicle/sub accounts, odometer and reference options
- Send customer statements and invoices via email automatically
| Stock- Perpetual stock control
- Multiple item types including Non stock and component/recipe items
- Purchase ordering system
- Invoice and delivery docket entry
- Average cost or last cost options
- Barcode printing
- Stock transfers
- Mobile PDT device for stock control with stocktaking, invoicing, transfer, ordering and wastage capabilities
- Global price changes
- Price book management function to monitor cost price changes
- Import promotions from UCB, New Sunrise and BP Buying Group
- Enter promotional Buy-In periods
- UCB price file imports and catalogue updates
Suppliers- Supplier payments and reconciliation
- Default or alternate suppliers
- Supplier ABA payment files
| Accounting- Fully integrated General Ledger
- Live Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet
- Full BAS reporting and reconciliation
- Journal Entry
- Range of exports available to other accounting programs
- Cash book allows bank account reconciliation
Reporting- Detailed statistical enquiry via products, cashiers, purchases, customers
- All reports exportable to Excel
- Profit margin management
- Transactional reporting with almost unlimited filters allows information to be easily pinpointed
- Comprehensive stock report including stock valuation, sale category analysis, stock usage by month
- Comprehensive sales reports including Day Sheet report, Hourly Sales Analysis and KPI reports
| |
- Maintain stock, customer and supplier files for all sites from one central location
- Changes made at Head Office are LIVE and immediately sent down to site
- Centralization can be enabled to send transactions immediately from site to Head Office
- Live customer balances across all sites
- Live general ledger and supplier balances viewable at Head Office
- Consolidated customers – customer balance contains transactions from all sites
- Customer statements can be managed from one central location
- Consolidated suppliers – supplier balance contains transactions from all sites
| - Supplier payments can be managed from one central location
- Consolidated general ledger
- Consolidated site reporting
- All site data is accessible from Head Office
- All site data is refreshed at Head Office after a shift rec / end of day is completed at site
- Ability to see each and every transaction/sale that occurred at site level
- All reporting options available at site level are also available at Head Office level
- Import /Export into various other ERP systems
- Head Office module tried and tested
- Running for over 10 years
- Workshop module
- Create quotes, work orders and invoices
- Diary for daily bookings
- Technicians work scheduling
- Standard jobs creation
- Integrated into POS for counter sales
- Service history for cars and customers
| - Multiple workshops and Head Office
- Flexible pricing levels for every customer
- •Generate service reminder letters
- Create marketing letters
- Powerful search filter for past jobs
- Print the complete service history for a customer
- Stocktaking
- Receiving invoice entry
- Create purchase orders
- Write off Stock
| - Transfer stock between sites
- Lookup prices
- Request labels